• Photopoetry

    broken image


    The art in Barcelona
    makes you stop and contemplate:
    how splendid is the curvy,
    how pedestrian the straight.


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    Burning love

    In a seaside town
    there is joy below
    a cold, grey sky above.
    The spirit of Elvis marches on,
    a hunk of burning love.
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    It’s 2am in Greenland,
    I’m drinking with my friends,
    The huskies howl, the sky is bright.
    The daylight never ends.
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    Colgate smiles

    Walking on a Maui beach
    I met a charming family.
    Hawaiian and American,
    they all had Colgate smiles.
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    Under the cloudless African sky
    in the vastness of the bush.
    Among the sun-baked branches
    two leopards fight
    over a dessicated carcass.
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    English afternoon

    A shower of flowers
    in a walled garden.
    Grey sky and a sprinkling of rain.
    Hot toast and a cup of tea.
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    It is not wise for a man
    to be fully naked
    when trimming a bush
    with large clippers.
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    The ocean

    As a child
    so excited
    to see the ocean blue.
    As an adult
    does the ocean
    still have the same effect on you?
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    Fish and chips

    My father loves his fish and chips.
    One of life’s delights.
    The batter must be crispy
    and the batter must be light.
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    Jamie's restaurant

    Why is this spaghetti so expensive?
    My mother asked, surprised.
    Because this is Jamie’s restaurant,
    I replied.
    Not surprised.